SkyBlock Rules
Any attempt to gain a unfair competitive edge over your oponent's via 3rd party software, bugs, or other mediums is strictly forbidden. This includes but is not limited to:
- Use of hacked clients
- Autoclickers
- Macros/Hotkeys running while you are AFK.
- Macros/Hotkeys while engaging in PVP
- Macros/Hotkeys are allowed while you are not AFK as long as they are not during PVP.
- Intentionally abusing bugs/exploits in the game
- Attempting to bypass PVP Plugin protections or other plugin protections.
- Along with any other intentional abuse to gain a competitive edge
Behaviour that creates a toxic and non-welcoming atmosphere will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to:
- Spamming or flooding chat
- Discussing real world current politics, religion, illicit drugs, or other sensitive topics
- Predatory behaviour or harassment
- Sharing your personal information
- Staff impersonation / abuse
- Falsely reporting other players
- Speaking languages other than English (This only applies to global chat)
- Selling in-game items for real life currency via in-game, discord, or otherwise
- Creating lag machines/ intentionally building things to create lag
- Any behaviour that overall contributes to a toxic environment
These are rules that apply for all islands, and are generally centered around keeping competition fair and ideal. These rules include but are not limited to:
- 0 Tick Farms are not allowed
- Villager breeding is not allowed (It is also already disabled)
- Alt accounts are allowed, but must be part of the same island as the main account
- One group creating multiple islands either via alts, or group members, to compete for more than one IS top placement is not allowed
- Insiding is not allowed under any circumstance, and players insiding will be banned with their actions being rolled back.
- Any actions that undermine the competitive spirit and integrity of the server are not allowed. If you question wether something you want to do may fit this description, feel free to open a ticket in our discord and ask us!
Staff Discretion
Staff have the right reserved to make decisions based on their discretion, if you've received warnings and instructions from staff it is important to follow them to avoid punishments. If you have an issue with a decision staff made with their discretion, please DM ‘.dbg’ on discord, or make a staff report ticket in our discord.